WWF Supports Communities Along R. Nyamwamba for Soil and Water Conservation
Posted on May, 27 2022
Kasese district Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Joe Walusimbi (center) together with Kasese Municipality Mayor, Chance Kahindo and WWF water project officer, John Francis Zironda hand over tools to farmers.
Last week, WWF Uganda handed over farming tools to over 2000 households in the 22 villages along the River Nyamwamba catchment. The event was commissioned by the Kasese district Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Joe Walusimbi, who was accompanied by the Kasese Municipality Mayor, Chance Kahindo and the district Chairperson. The tools included; spades, pick axes and hoes.
According to the WWF Uganda Fresh Water manager, Beria Namanya, the intervention is aimed at supporting communities to implement soil and water conservation measures on priority hotspots in the Midstream Nyamwamba sub catchment.
“Our target is to support communities in midstream Nyamwamba sub catchment to use participatory inclusive community driven actions to implement catchment-based community driven activities aimed at improving soil and water conservation, riverbank restoration and community livelihood improvements,” he said.
In his remarks, Walusimbi asked farmers to utilize the tools given to them to maintain the trenches in their gardens and also improve their agricultural methods as a way of preventing the heavy water rans during the rainy seasons.
“This is the only chance you can use as individuals or even as community groups to improve your farmlands. If you maintain the trenches, you will be able to control the runoffs as the trenches contain water for sometime to support the growth of your crops and this will improve your harvests,” he told the farmers.
Kabugho Immaculate, one of the farmers from Nyakasojo lower who benefited from the project, thanked WWF for the support and promised to utilize the tools to improve the performance of her coffee plantation.
WWF Uganda together with the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) are implementing an integrated water management and development project which is supporting implementation of priority Catchment Management Measures in Midstream Nyamwamba. The intervention supports communities in midstream Nyamwamba catchment to undertake catchment-based participatory, inclusive actions and implement catchment-based community driven activities aimed at improving soil and water conservation, riverbank restoration and community livelihood improvement.